Is Now the Right Time to Change My Life?

12. Nov. 2021


Good things come to those who wait.

Patience is a virtue.

Timing is everything.

There are so many cultural idioms that promote the concept that if you just wait a bit longer, if you’re patient and open enough to new opportunities for personal development, everything that you want will come to you.

If you believe this, you’re going to be waiting for a lifetime..

The truth is this:  to change your life you’re going to have to change your life. You’re going to have to jump into the abyss, not knowing if there will be a net to catch you. You’ll have to make a plan, and take thoughtful steps toward your goals.

Nobody else is going to do the work for you.

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I Want to Change My Life... Later

Whenever a new opportunity arises to progress either personally or professionally, we have the tendency to think about what our lives are like now, and how they could look if we accepted the challenge of a new experience. Often, because we’re already overwhelmed with the number of responsibilities that we have as modern professionals, we take one look at the extra time or effort that something new, like leading a professional organization, writing a book, or deciding to commit to long term travel would cost us and we turn away.

We close the door to a new reality before we ever really give it a chance.

We say, “Maybe someday!” or “I’ll start preparing for it now so that I can do it in five years when everything settles down.” News flash: life never settles down.

Life has a way of pushing forward, placing new roadblocks in front of you so that you’re always faced with a new problem, a new way forward, or a new question to answer. And as a result, we never follow through.

Did you just get promoted? Now doesn’t feel like such a good time to leave behind your corporate lifestyle in order to start your own business after all.

Moved to a new city? Now a year of travel feels like it’s out of the question.

“Now” never feels like the right time to go after what you want. It always feels safer to say that you’ll pursue your passion in a few months or years. Trust us when we say that the best time to live the life you want to live is now.

Afraid of failure? If you never start chasing your dreams,  you’ll never have to experience what it would feel like to not achieve them, right? Here’s an uncomfortable truth: indecision is also a choice.

Now is Always the Right Time to Change Your Life

Every moment, every month, every year that you neglect to make a move toward the purposeful life that’s calling you, is wasted.

With such limited time on Earth, do you want to spend one more second of it living in a way that doesn’t bring you joy?

If you wait those 1,3, or 5 years to start your business because you’re just not ready, that’s 1, 3, or 5 years of your life that you spent living for someone else.

This is your life, and you only get one chance to make it have meaning. Forget about the traditional life path that society has created. Future you will thank you.

You have so much more inside you. You were meant to carve out your own path in life, so that others could follow in your footsteps. If you don’t - who will?

It’s not going to be easy to make a life change. Even with the solidified knowledge that you are doing the right thing, whether you’re making a professional move or taking time to seek out personal development opportunities, you will at times feel wary of the road you’re taking.

You’ll question whether you should have held back, whether you would have been more successful if you had only just waited to have everything perfectly in its place.

In those moments of doubt, remind yourself of the strength  you needed to take the leap, of the trust that you had in yourself to pursue a better life. You can feel confident in knowing that you value yourself enough to do something that few other people do.

You can say to yourself, “Hey, at least I went for it.”

Then, you can continue on, making moves and creating the life that you’ve always dreamed of living, spurred on by the idea that it’s not about timing. The timing will never be exactly right. It’s about the person stuck inside you that’s dying to break out - and whether you have the courage to set them free.
