New Program: Welcome Remote Year Aurora!

12. Nov. 2021

Remote Year participants

When a new Remote Year program launches, a wave of excitement hits the rest of the Remote Nation. Program Leaders are preparing for new Remotes to arrive in their first city, full of anticipation. The Remote Year Travel Team has every travel detail carefully organized, ready for the newest Remotes to experience the seamlessness of their work for the first time. The local City Managers can’t wait for Remotes to see their country from a local’s perspective. And the rest of the Remote Nation? We’re just very. very. excited.

Remote Year Aurora is set to launch in January 2018, starting their new year in Buenos Aires with their newest friends. To them, Remote Year will symbolize one of the most meaningful New Year’s resolutions they’ve ever undertaken.

Hopes for the Year Ahead

Séamus and Jessica, the Aurora Program Leaders, have been getting ready for this program to launch for about a month. They’ve gone through trainings that will allow them to be the most effective leaders for their program, enabling them to solve any problem that might arise during their Remote Year. Beyond logistics and operations, they’re hoping Remotes will see them as confidantes and resources for a successful year ahead.

“I try to live each day from a place of empathy and love,” said Séamus. “Hopefully I’m seen as someone who they can share a giggle with. As someone who doesn’t take himself so seriously, and someone who believes passionately in respect. As someone who is non-judgemental and open to listen.”

Jessica shares a similar hope for Aurora Remotes: that they will create their own adventure over the course of the next year, but that she will be able to positively influence their journey along the way.

“We set the tone for the entire year,” said Jessica. “The values we embody, the emotional intelligence we decide to tune in our interactions with our colleagues, city teams, and locals, the outlook on delicate situations and navigating cultural differences- all these aspects form part of the soft skills we need to cultivate throughout the year.”

Remote Year participants

Remote Year participants

Aurora Program Leaders Jess and Séamus

Program Leaders become close with Remotes as they journey from city to city, month after month. They serve as not only problem-solvers and miracle-workers, but forces for good. They may not know it yet, but Aurora Remotes are already receiving good vibes from Séamus and Jessica.

“I hope they grow in mind, body and spirit. That they have a chance to make invaluable professional and personal connections and also that they have an opportunity (or many daily) to appreciate this opportunity, this life,” said Séamus. “I hope they seize the moments for all their worth and ultimately find something in themselves that makes them happy. I hope they laugh and love and enjoy the ride. For it’s just a ride.”

First Week in a New City

The first week on Remote Year can only be described in one way - a whirlwind. Remotes are transplanted into a new city, with new people and an entirely new outlook on life. Then, they’ll do it all again in a month.

This fresh start is fitting for Aurora, both because they are embarking on this experience on New Year’s Eve and because of the meaning behind their program’s name.

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Remote Year Aurora celebrates New Year's Eve - and the beginning of their journey.

The literary definition of “aurora” is simply “the dawn”, a time for new beginnings and renewed focus on the parts of life that are filled with energy and purpose. As Remotes arrive in Buenos Aires for the first week of what is sure to be a life-changing year, they will feel the influence of this pivotal name and the impact that it will have on their mindset.

“As we age, we tend to become more inflexible in how we perceive ourselves and others’ ability to change. We make statements about what we’re bad and good at. We self-label and judge in fear of failure,” said Jessica. “Aurora represents to me the possibility of following our dreams even at an age where we’re more ‘realistic’ about the outcome.”

To fully embrace the feeling behind “Aurora”, Séamus and Jessica have planned a jam-packed first week for Aurora Remotes.

When asked about the week’s itinerary, Jessica listed, “New Year’s Eve rooftop champagne toasting, sunset watching, tango lessons, group games, and lots of Argentinian asados.”

Remote Year group

Remote Year group

Aurora Remotes arrive in Buenos Aires

Jessica and Séamus will help new Remotes become acquainted with Buenos Aires, their accommodations, the workspace and the local culture throughout the next week. There will be time for paperwork and time for ice breaker activities, time for delicious eats and finding the perfect spot in the workspace. There will also be time to share words of wisdom and advice for the upcoming year.

“Take your time to get to know each other, be compassionate towards yourself in difficult times, and trust the process and beautiful rollercoaster of the year to come,” said Jessica.

“Take a breath. Today, this week, this year will be a continuous succession of present moments,” said Séamus. “This year will happen whether you worry about it or not. There will be so many moments to embrace, and when our little ego starts butting in and talking jibe about yesterday or tomorrow, silence it with a breath.”

And with that we say, welcome to Remote Year, Aurora! 2018 is going to be your best year yet.

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Group shot

If you want to keep up with Remote Year Aurora, keep an eye on the Remote Year blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.
