Remote Nation Comes Together for Second Dinner Around the World

12. Nov. 2021

Remote Year group

The Remote Nation met up on April 19th, 2018 to participate in our second ever worldwide dinner party, Remote Year Dinner Around the World.

Join a community of people who are pursuing personal and professional growth while traveling the world

Remote Year Dinner Around the World is a global event, where members of the Remote Year community host dinner parties in different corners of the world for their friends, colleagues and extended network. The goal is for the Remote Nation to come together, no matter where they are in the world, and connect in the unique way that only travel and true understanding can foster.

Remote Year group

Remote Year group

Remote Year Dinner Around the World gathering in Denver

This event topped all of our previous records with 33 locations, 350+ guests in total, and the largest event to date with over 50 people coming together for dinner in Mexico City.

Remote Year map

Remote Year map

The idea for Dinner Around the World came from a very successful alumni event that Travis King, Director of Community Development for Remote Year, brought over from his experience at his former summer camp.

Remote Year group

Remote Year group

Remote Year Kanyini celebrates Dinner Around the World in Hanoi

“Each year I see the emails but miss the event because I’m abroad, but it got me thinking we could do something similar, and actually do it on a global level on multiple continents in amazing cities all over the world," Travis said. "At my old summer camp, staff get together in a few major cities around the United States to sing camp songs and eat a classic camp meal. For Remote Year, we had to put an international spin on it. We have get-togethers all over the United States, but also all over the world, where Remotes from different communities have a great reason to meet up, swap travel stories and make some new memories over food and drinks."

Remote Year group

Remote Year group

Remote Year Dinner Around the World in Medellín

"I also love watching pictures and videos of the gatherings come in live throughout the day, starting in Asia, then over to Europe and eventually to the Americas. You can feel the sun setting around the world as people get together and start breaking out the wine, cheese and crackers," Travis said.

Remote Year group

Remote Year group

Remote Year Dinner Around the World reaches across the globe - even into Zion National Park

Want to join the fun? You don't have to be a Remote Year participant to get in on the action. Keep an eye out for upcoming events near you for a chance to meet up with our community and get a glimpse as to why the bonds formed on Remote Year are unlike any other.
