Pursue a New Career While Traveling the World with Remote Year and Springboard

12. Nov. 2021

Remote working

Even when you know it’s the right move, the thought of making a career transition can be a bit of a stretch. When you think about all the time and effort you’re going to have to put into starting over professionally, it can feel like too big of a sacrifice to make.

You think that you’ll have to spend years learning new skills to position yourself in a new market. That you’ll have to go back to the all-work, no-play world of an entry-level position in order to work in an industry that you love.

*record scratch*

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Remote Year is partnering with Springboard to help you learn the skills you need to make a career transition in just four months - while traveling the world with a group of inspiring individuals with similar aspirations.

While you’re on the road, you’ll experience the same, lauded Remote Year platform, including organized accommodations, workspaces, travel logistics, unique, local experiences, and on-the-ground staff support for your everyday needs.

However, in place of a remote job, you’ll count on Springboard to provide the education that will allow you to transition into a new career: an expert-curated online curriculum, a personal expert mentor to help guide your learning, student advisors to provide support, career coaches to improve your hireability, and much more.

Through this partnership, you’ll choose from either the Digital Marketing Career Track, or the Data Science Career Track depending on your skills and interests. Then, you’ll decide whether you want to transition into your new career while exploring Latin America or Asia.

Let’s dive into the details.

Digital Marketing Career Track

The Digital Marketing Career Track program will last four months, with students devoting 10-15 hours a week to coursework. As you travel throughout your chosen region, you’ll acquire the skills required to become a full-stack marketer.

Just like Springboard’s traditional Digital Marketing Career Track, you’ll be matched with a nonprofit and given a $10,000 Google AdWords budget to increase their conversions, helping you build a portfolio of real-world, measurable results while making a positive change.

Data Science Career Track

The Data Science Career Track program will also last four months, averaging 40-50 hours a week to complete. See the world while mastering the foundations of data science within a specialization of your choice: advanced machine learning, natural language processing, or deep learning.

Your coursework will culminate in two industry-worthy capstone projects to showcase your skills to potential employers.

This program also includes a job guarantee. If you don’t get hired within eight months of completing the program, your tuition will be refunded. (Springboard has yet to ever issue a refund.)

Both programs include: weekly one-on-one calls with your personal mentor and personalized career coaching to help you start or advance your career.

Springboard’s student advisors will also be available online throughout the process. But you can also lean on the support of the other students within your traveling community, forming offline study groups, collaborating on work, and keeping each other accountable as you complete projects and begin your job search.

The Remote Year + Springboard Live and Learn partnership is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you to reevaluate your career and set out on a new professional path while exploring all that the world has to offer.

Are you ready to take the leap? Find out more about the Live and Learn programs for data science and digital marketing options today.
