The Tipping Point: Why I Decided to Join Remote Year

12. Nov. 2021


Joining Remote Year is the biggest life decisions that many of our participants have ever made. We know that uprooting your entire life to travel the world with a group of strangers is not only a difficult choice, but flat out terrifying. We see this fear in the hundreds of applicants we speak to every day and we want to help ease those fears by addressing them head on.

We chatted with current remotes across our seven programs about their tipping point: that pivotal moment where they decided to officially commit to their new lives as digital nomads. We will explore their internal processes of leaving everything familiar behind to building an entirely new life with us on the road.

The Panelists

Selen Atac, Remote Year Magellan

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Matthew Tritico, Remote Year Battuta

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Rhonda Craig, Remote Year Darien

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Marc Johnson, Remote Year 1

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Darrin Lindsay, Remote Year Cousteau

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Samvida Patel, Remote Year Ikigai

Participant spotlight

Participant spotlight

Remote Year brings together a community of 75 digital nomads to spend a year working, traveling and exploring 12 cities around the world.
