Visa and Passport documents needed for Remote Year

30. Mar. 2022

Visa and Passport documents needed for Remote Year

Whether you’re traveling abroad for one day, or one year, you’ll need the necessary documentation and paperwork to ensure you get to your first sight seeing tour in no time. On Remote Year, we encourage all of our Remote Year Participants to feel secure in traveling with everything they need. Because of this, we’ve put together a preliminary guide to outlining documents you’ll need for abroad, helpful resources,  and some frequently asked questions to help move your process along more smoothly.

Since each Remote Year participant is responsible for securing their own visas for each destination on their itinerary. Due to the fact that we aren't immigration professionals, and the constantly evolving nature of visa / immigration regulations, it is not possible for Remote Year to advise on the visa process. Nothing below should be construed as visa advice, immigration advice, or legal advice rendered by Remote Year or anyone employed by or associate with Remote Year.




Ensure you’re traveling with a valid passport that is not expiring for at least six months after returning from your Remote Year travels. If you're running low on blank passport pages, it's advised to get a new passport before leaving—some countries require you to have blank passport pages when entering.




Most countries upon entry require a new visa to enter – but not to worry it’s not as complicated as it may seem. For many countries (depending on your passport’s origin) filing for a tourist visa is simple and can happen straight at the airport. However, since not all passports and countries are the same, we encourage you to check your home country's state department travel site? Here you’ll be able to source information like entry, exit and visa requirements or health / vaccination tips.




In addition to your passport and necessary visas, it’s advised to bring along other documents with you to ensure you’re in the best situation when traveling abroad. First and foremost make sure to have digital and printed copies of your documentation (i.e. passports), in case you can’t locate the originals. This way if needing to get a new copy, you can contact the local embassy in the country you’re currency residing in, or connect with family members or friends back home to renew from home. 

While health insurance is not a requirement for travel (but heavily advised), some health related documentation is required to enter certain countries' borders. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, it’s wise to carry around your vaccination documentation as well as other required vaccinations like yellow fever (needed for certain countries in South America). 

Lastly, if country hopping around locations, make sure to bring extra passport sized images to accompany your visa applications. 




  • Visa List—Data here is primarily collected from public sources like Wikipedia, embassy and national websites of different countries.

  • Passport Index—Pick your home country, and the site will tell you whether a visa is required for any other country. This is a good starting point, but it's not official government information, so it shouldn't be your only source of research.

  • Visa HQ—This online tool is similar to Passport Index, but can be used as another information source.Visa HQ will inform you if a tourist visa is required for particular countries and they will also offer to obtain visas for you. For those types of services, you can choose to obtain the visa yourself by working with an embassy or government agency, or enlist the help of our partners listed below.

  • Vietnam- Visa: check out this created by one of our Remotes!

  • Swift Passport Services—Smaller company with dedicated care and for US residents only.

    • Contact Swift via +1.877.917.9438 or email Laurie ( or Shannon ( Online, discount code REMYR20 ($20 discount on 2+ services) and REMYR10 ($10 discount on one service).

  • CIBT—Semi-global and larger company with more resources.

  • Contact CIBT via +1.800.929.2428 or and find Remote Year pricing .

Coworking space

Coworking space

The documents and websites linked above should not be considered as rendering immigration or visa advice, rather, just general resources for helping you navigate international travel. For any further questions, please consult with an immigration professional through your Embassy or a private visa company. We can’t wait for you to join us abroad on Remote Year! 
