88% of Remote Year Travelers Want to Join Us on the Road Again - Here’s Why

24. Jan. 2022

88% of Remote Year Travelers Want to Join Us on the Road Again - Here’s Why

Whether you’ve just returned home from a 1-week Retreat or a 12-month Journey, chances are you’re already thinking about your next adventure. 

We totally get it! Returning home after you’ve been traveling for even just a little while can be tough. You’ve just had some wonderful experiences and bonded with people from all walks of life, so coming back to the same old routine might not cut it for you anymore.

The good news is that you have plenty of chances to go on more adventures with us. Actually, many of our participants sign up for more programs after they’ve finished their first one. We always enjoy welcoming back our Remote Nation members, and we’ll take care of you no matter how many programs you sign up for.

Take it from Avivi Huynh, who’s signed up and completed five Remote Year programs throughout Latin America and Africa. We’ve asked her and other repeat participants what their top reasons were for signing up for another program – here’s what they had to say:

Reason One: Meeting and connecting with even more amazing, like-minded individuals 



Everything we do revolves around community. In fact, surveys have shown us that the most powerful aspect of our programs is our community. Many participants end up signing up for Remote Year trips with the friends they met on their original program, and even those who don’t still feel connected with Remote Nation. 

“Community is what Remote Year is all about! It's the biggest selling point in my opinion and it's at the heart of everything Remote Year does. Even in just the two week-long retreats I have attended, I have made such strong relationships with people who were strangers initially and who I can now call friends. I wish for every person to experience the Remote Year community culture, because at the end of the day it's not about the places you go, but the people you spend those moments with.” – Anthony, 2 Remote Year programs

“Community was a major part of my decision to travel with Remote Year again. The type of people I met on the retreats and programs were unique individuals I wouldn't have met in my normal life. The community gave me the encouragement to embrace the uncertainty and chase my dreams.” – Avivi, 5 Remote Year programs

“My experiences with Remote Year were special because of the people I met along the way. They’re all from different backgrounds and walks of life. It was really amazing to get to know people on such a deep level. My last program was 4 months ago and I still talk to the friends I made through this program on a daily basis and continue traveling together no matter the distance.” – Raquel,  2 Remote Year programs

Reason Two: Jumping into experiences unique to each program

Participants in Split

Participants in Split

Each of our programs are designed so that each one brings something unique to the table. With Remote Year, you won’t experience the same thing twice. Our Program Leaders put in lots of effort in the activities they plan for you, and the knowledge of our local teams ensure that you get an authentic and unique experience in each destination. Here’s what our participants had to say about their different experiences:

“After my first Remote Year retreat, I was on cloud nine. I met such incredible people, experienced heaven on earth in Costa Rica, and couldn't wait for the next opportunity to travel with Remote Year. The staff mentioned a Retreat in June that they were planning in Guatemala, and so when I got back home, I requested time off in June. The second retreat was different than the first, but still had the same essence of my first experience in Costa Rica.” – Anthony, 2 Remote Year programs

“I decided to do another program after Medellín because I really wanted to learn Spanish. I felt like doing Mexico City right after it made the most sense to learn and immerse myself. I also had one of the best months of my life in Colombia with new people and was ready to experience another month like it.” – Raquel, 2 Remote Year programs

“I loved the immersion into different cultures; diversity and acceptance and lifelong bonds that were made during my Remote Year trip. There are some activities one experiences on Remote Year that cannot be found elsewhere.” – Stacy, 3 Remote Year programs

Reason Three: Expanding your perspective and experiences while surrounded by like-minded people

Birthday Celebration in Split

Birthday Celebration in Split

Your first program with Remote Year is a very special experience. Going back and reflecting on the reasons you went on the trip in the first place is great inspiration for your next adventure. 

Here’s why these participants chose to join their first programs:

“I decided to travel with Remote Year because I wanted to improve my global competence and felt more comfortable traveling with a diverse group of professionals with similar values. Remote Year's access to housing, co-working, and culture program resources was of tremendous value to invest. I was not confident that I would be able to afford the same experiences if I had tried to travel on my own.” – Daniel, 3 Remote Year programs

“I had just gotten out of a long term relationship, my job had switched to fully remote and I had Remote Year on my radar for a few years as I knew a friend who had done a program previously. Once I was able to take my job with me anywhere, I knew Remote Year was the right answer because I was looking to begin a self-searching journey but was always scared to travel alone. With Remote Year you can travel alone without feeling alone.” – Raquel, 2 Remote Year programs

“Remote Year was special because I met people in the programs that I wouldn't have crossed paths with in our daily lives. I love hearing about their stories and seeing the growth they go through in a week or month's time. The community has also made me feel safe and seen because we all share the same mindset.” – Avivi, 5 Remote Year programs

Reason Four: People don’t regret going on another Remote Year journey

Paracas Ica, Peru

Paracas Ica, Peru

We asked participants what they would tell someone considering joining another Remote Year experience and they said:

“Do it! You never know who you will meet and connect with on the next program...It's amazing to not only connect with new friends, but to also grow, stretch, and be challenged in new ways.” – Avivi, 5 Remote Year programs

“If I can do it at my age and with my disability, anyone can.” – Stacy, 3 Remote Year programs

“What's there to think about?  Be open minded. Bring the best version of yourself. Be willing to make friends. Initiate conversations. Step outside your comfort zone.” – Anthony, 2 Remote Year programs

Reason Five: You’ll reap the benefits of being a part of the Remote Nation

Lagos, Portugal

Lagos, Portugal

Remote Nation includes all Remote Year participants, both past and present. As a part of the Nation, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits, like access to over 3,000 Nation members via Slack, invites to meetups and events around the world, and entry to our Nation Houses in exciting one-off locations. You’ll also enjoy discounts like 20% off coworking, 10% off accommodations, and 10% off food & beverages at all Selina locations globally.

If your first program with Remote Year was a 1-week Retreat or a 1-month Trip, you might want to consider a longer program. Once you’ve completed a 4 or 12-month Journey with us, you’ll officially be a Remote Year Citizen, which comes with even more exclusive benefits!

As a Citizen, you’ll enjoy à la carte access to our platform, giving you the flexibility to choose which parts you want to continue taking advantage of. You’ll also have the option to join an active Remote Year program for one month, giving you the ability to try out living and working in a city that you’ve been eyeing.

You can even use your status as a Citizen to sign up for a “Second Lap” and join your next Remote Year program at a discounted rate. You’re always just one click away from jumping back into the excitement of working and traveling around the world!

One thing we’ve learned at Remote Year is that “home” is more about the people than it is about the place. Even though your original program ended, you’ll always be a part of the incredible group of people that make up your community. No matter where you are in the world, no matter how much time has passed, you’ll always find home at Remote Year. 

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