The 10 Safest Cities in Mexico - A Guide by Remote Year

23. Jan. 2023

The 10 Safest Cities in Mexico

Key Takeaways

  • Mexico is a safe and welcoming country for digital nomads with a thriving community of ex-pats.

  • Solo female travelers can safely and comfortably travel around Mexico taking some basic precautions and cautionary measures in mind.

  • Mexico has several cities that offer the perfect balance of infrastructure and culture for digital nomads who wish to work and explore their interests.

Mexico is a vibrant, diverse country with a rich culture. It has a wide range of small, cozy towns, bustling cities, and cultural sites, so there really is something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for street food or established restaurants, a relaxed visit, or an exciting adventure, Mexico has it all.

If you’ve successfully figured out how to become a digital nomad and are looking to experience this sunny southern part of North America, you’ll want to find the safest Mexican cities where you can work and travel with little risk.

To help you find the best and safest Mexico cities, we put together a list of ten of the safest cities in Mexico to livein! These places can easily support your nomad lifestyle because of their low crime rates, high-quality infrastructure, and affordable cost of living.

Wondering what they are?

Let’s take a look!

 Is Mexico Safe for Digital Nomads?

Mexico is generally considered a safe destination for digital nomads to live and work in. However, like any destination, it is still important to exercise caution, be aware of the local conditions, and make safety a priority. While there are some areas that can be unsafe, there are several safe cities in Mexico for you to enjoy. 

With delicious food, incredible sights, and affordable living costs, Mexico is a popular choice for digital nomads across the world.

Mexico offers many beautiful places where you can work, be it a beachside paradise or a lively city with relatively low risks. The numerous ex-pat communities in Mexico ensure that you will always find kindred spirits wherever you go. This can make it easier to settle into a traditional Mexican lifestyle and have a wonderful time, no matter how long or short your stay in Mexico may be.

The culture, affordable housing, infrastructure, and low crime rate across areas of Mexico make it a safe and highly appealing destination for all kinds of digital nomads. 

One way to travel more safely and conveniently is to join one of the travel programs that Remote Year offers. Remote Year takes care of all the planning for you, arranging your accommodations, itineraries, and logistics, so all you have to do is join the community, pack your bags and enjoy the ride!

“Like many other cities, México City does experience crime. There are safe neighborhoods such as Roma and Condesa, which are within walking distance of many bars and restaurants. These are the neighborhoods we recommend staying in, and where Remote Year accommodations are located.”

Rocksan O, Remote Year City Coordinator, Mexico City

How Safe Is Mexico for Solo Female Travelers?

Mexico can be a great place for solo female travelers who wish to find like-minded solo travelers.

As long as you can blend in with the crowd and maintain basic safety precautions, you should have a perfectly safe and enjoyable experience in Mexico. 

We would advise you to avoid common touristic mistakes, such as keeping too much money on you, hiding it in different places, letting someone know where you are, and being aware of your surroundings in Mexico. Avoid walking alone in unfamiliar areas, especially at night, and store your valuables securely.

Aside from these basic tips that are relevant regardless of where you are, you will find that Mexico is a wonderful destination.

Mexico’s Safest Cities To Live In For Extended Stay

Mexico is one of the best places to work remotely. If you’re planning on visiting Mexico, you’re probably wondering what cities in Mexico are safe for a digital nomad. It can be hard to figure out where to live in Mexico on your own, so here’s a list of the safest Mexican cities to help you out:


Located in the Yucatan region of Mexico, Merida is considered the safest city in Mexico to live as a digital nomad.

Merida, Mexico, is rich in history and has all kinds of incredible cultural attractions in addition to its delicious cuisine. The historic center in this region of Mexico is teeming with colonial architecture and landmarks. The city is home to a number of museums, including Mexico’s Anthropology Museum and the Yucatan Natural History Museum. 

Locals in Merida are known for their friendly and welcoming nature. The city also has a strong police presence. Generally, these two factors largely contribute towards making it the safest city to live in, in Mexico.

In addition to safety, Merida, Mexico is also well-equipped in other aspects, which makes it an attractive destination for digital nomads:

  • Lots of cafes and coworking spaces across the city have reliable wifi connections and stable internet access.

  • Availability of affordable accommodation with different options for different budgets, including vacation rentals, hotels, furnished apartments, hostels, etc. Some residences offer additional facilities such as fitness centers, pools, and on-site restaurants for added convenience.

  • Professional spaces allow you to work alongside others while accessing meeting rooms, printing services, and private offices.

  • This city in Mexico has health and wellness facilities such as parks, gyms, green spaces, yoga studios, and more. All these enable nomads to live healthy lifestyles with high standards of wellness.

Puerto Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta has to be on your list of the safest cities to live in, in Mexico. This coastal town has a visible police presence, and you'll easily spot local law enforcement driving around the city 24/7. 

Located on the Pacific coast in the state of Jalisco, Puerto Vallarta is a haven for digital nomads with its warm climate, beautiful beaches, and amalgamation of cultures. It also has a rich history with indigenous, Mexican, and Spanish influences reflected in the local cuisine, art, and architecture. For those looking to immerse themselves in cultural activities and history, Puerto Vallarta in Mexico is the ideal location.

Aside from being a cultural enthusiast’s paradise, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, ticks off several important factors for digital nomads, such as

  • Friendly and welcoming locals who make it easier to fit in and blend with the crowd for a more enjoyable stay

  • Affordable costs of living with a good selection of accommodations to choose from such as hotels, hostels, coliving spaces, rental apartments, and guesthouses

  • Beautiful places with fun activities and expeditions

  • A thriving community of ex-pats, making it easier to form connections and network with individuals from across the world

  • Nomad communities organize events and activities for locals and ex-pats to interact and connect — this is very helpful for forming bonds and creating a support network.


Located on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Tulum, Mexico, is a popular destination among beach lovers as it offers pristine shores and comfortably warm weather throughout the year. Combined with the Mayan ruins and abundance of ancient history, the area is a landmark for digital nomads who enjoy soaking up the sun and exploring culturally rich places.

But is Tulum safe for digital nomads? 

Tulum has undergone rapid commercial development in recent years. With its urbanization, the community has seen a rise in crime, specifically robberies and drug-related violence. Though concerning, the coastline of Riviera Maya in Tulum is generally safe. Also, if you aren’t into late-night partying at clubs and don’t engage in drug use, this town is worth considering.

This is a generally appealing destination for various reasons:

  • Tulum is an eco-tourism center with several nature reserves and parks, which appeals to those who like the outdoors.

  • A very laid-back bohemian atmosphere that makes it extremely appealing to travelers and digital nomads who are looking for a break and a calmer, slower pace of life.

  • There are also a number of wellness retreats, health-conscious dining establishments, and yoga studios in this city in Mexico to help digital nomads relax and recharge.

  • Its proximity to other well-known destinations, such as Playa del Carmen and Cancun, makes it a great jump-off point for those who wish to explore the region.

Aside from the town’s calming atmosphere and natural beauty, Tulum’s location adds to its popularity. You can enjoy Tulum’s naturally relaxed atmosphere as you work and easily commute to other interesting areas in your free time!


An even safer alternative to Tulum is the small village of Sayulita. With only around 360 incidents on average each year (Mexico’s national average is 1,600), it is the safest city to live in Mexico. 

Located on the Pacific coast of Mexico, Sayulita is part of the state of Nayarit, which is known for its surf breaks, beaches, and bohemian vibe. The overall atmosphere in Sayulita, Mexico, is relaxing and laid back, making it a great option for digital nomads who want to let loose and rejuvenate after an exciting journey:

  • Located an hour north of Puerto Vallarta, this town is the perfect artist’s retreat with a vibrant art scene, galleries, studios, and street art scattered throughout the town.

  • A popular destination for those looking to tantalize their taste buds. It has a variety of restaurants that serve traditional Mexican and international cuisines, which is a real treat for foodies. 

  • It is surrounded by lush jungles, along with several nature reserves and eco-tourism activities that include hiking, bird watching, and horseback riding. This makes it a great destination for digital nomads who want to make the most of the outdoors while enjoying the art and cultural vibe of the area.

While here, you’ll enjoy Sayulita, Mexico’s strong sense of community, wide variety of coworking spaces, and reliable WiFi connections. However, since this city in Mexico is a small town, its infrastructure isn’t as impressive as other destinations. Most digital nomads find the trade-off worth it, as Sayulita, Mexico, is a wonderful destination with a lot to offer.

Mexico City

As the capital and largest city in Mexico, Mexico City is a vibrant cosmopolitan city that is flourishing with digital nomads. As with any developed city, it has its fair share of petty crimes. While there are dangerous areas, there are neighborhoods that are known for being safer than others. These include the touristy areas of Condesa, Zona Rosa, Centro Historico, Roma Sur, and Roma Norte.

If you want a more laid-back experience, consider the vicinities of San Rafael, Juarez, Escandón, Polanco, and Coyoacan. 

It has a rich history and culture that offers a wide range of activities and attractions, making it a highly appealing destination for digital nomads:

  • Teeming with cultural centers and historic landmarks like the Zocalo, museums, and the historical center, the city is a must-visit destination for those looking to soak in the cultural heritage of Mexico.

  • The ancient ruins of Teotihuacan are also a noteworthy landmark and one of the many day trips from Mexico City you can indulge in.

  • Since it’s a hub for startups and tech, Mexico City also has many coworking spaces and a strong sense of community.

  • The numerous tech events, meetups, conferences, and other activities can be a great source of networking and interaction for digital nomads and entrepreneurs. You can also join Remote Year's programs so you’ll have a support network even before you land. Our programs include accommodations, coworking spaces, and curated local experiences and side trips, among other amenities.

Though it isn’t thesafest city, as the largest cities tend to be less so than smaller ones, Mexico City is generally considered safe in most aspects. As is the case with any large urban area, there are instances of pickpocketing and purse snatching in public transportation and crowded areas. Exercising caution and keeping an eye on your belongings should keep you out of trouble. 

San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, offers an excellent quality of life. The place also boasts a rich and extensive cultural and historical heritage. Plus, it has a flourishing ex-pat population which makes it a highly popular destination for the digital nomad community and travelers of all kinds, amongst other reasons:

  • Home to colonial architecture, churches, and other landmarks, San Miguel de Allende in Mexico has a cultural and artistic charm that is extremely appealing.

  • There are numerous galleries, studios, and workshops scattered around the city, offering digital nomads creative outlets that they can use to get in touch with their artistic sensibilities while connecting with fellow travelers.

  • This city in Mexico also has a pleasant climate with warm days and cool nights — the perfect weather to enjoy the beautiful landscapes that envelop the city.

  • The Sierra Madre mountain range within it is an iconic natural landmark that is extremely appealing to nomads.

  • For foodies who thrive on delicious cuisines, San Miguel de Allende is also home to a variety of cafes and restaurants.

  • The city offers all the essential amenities to support a digital nomadic lifestyle, including coworking spaces and social events specially designed for digital nomads.

When it comes to safety, San Miguel de Allende is one of the safest Mexico cities. Police are seen patrolling the streets, pedestrian areas are well-illuminated at night, and it has a moderate crime rate. Tourists may be prone to petty crimes like theft and bribery, but they aren’t that common.


Whenever the question: what are the safest cities in Mexico? Comes up, we’re always quick to include Huatulco, Mexico, which is found along the country’s Pacific Coast. This beautiful beachside town doesn’t experience a lot of crime and has friendly locals. Even local taxi drivers are known to treat visitors fairly. Crime is treated seriously by the police, as is evident by their quick and efficient response to incidents that threaten peace and order.

Huatulco, Mexico, is a very relaxed city and a popular destination for digital nomads across the world. Here’s why:

  • It’s a beachy paradise that offers stunning natural surroundings and views. Home to nine different bays with unique characteristic beauty, this region in Mexico is known for its soft white sands and crystal clear, turquoise blue waters.

  • For those looking to do more than sunbathe and swim in the ocean, the city is also home to a national park with an abundance of flora and fauna. From palm trees and mangroves to all kinds of different birds and animals, Huatulco is a safe haven for all.

  • Aside from this, Huatulco, Mexico, also has a much lower cost of living compared to other areas that are popular among ex-pats. With a low crime rate, a thriving ex-pat community, and all the required infrastructure that a digital nomad could need, it’s the perfect blend of work and fun.

  • In your free time, you can enjoy a number of outdoor activities, such as hiking, snorkeling, and fishing.

  • You also have the option to visit the cultural and historical sites across the city, such as the La Crucecita Church and the Huatulco Archaeological Museum.

Overall, Huatulco enables you to have a well-balanced nomadic lifestyle by letting you hit that sweet spot between work and play.

La Paz

Located on the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula, La Paz has a low crime rate of 34.85. Compare this figure with the country’s 78.44 and the United States' 47.7for some perspective. Most of the dangers for tourists in this relaxed fishing village are petty theft and dishonest law enforcement. However, these can be easily avoided by not paying fines directly to policemen and being aware of your surroundings.

The smaller city of La Paz is extremely popular amongst digital nomads because

  • It is an easy-going beach town with a rich culture and gorgeous sandy beaches.

  • It is known for the crystal clear Sea of Cortez, which makes it a major hub for scuba diving, snorkeling, whale watching, and all kinds of water sports. 

  • Home to many charming neighborhoods, the locals in La Paz, Mexico, are extremely warm and friendly.

  • The cost of living is generally lower than in other areas.

  • It is also easily accessible from other destinations such as Todos Santos, Cabo San Lucas, and San Jose del Cabo, making it a great base for those who want to explore the Baja California Peninsula.

So if you’re interested in outdoor activities or looking for a charming area with friendly locals to call home, this might be a great stop.


Located on the Caribbean coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun, Mexico, and offers a tropical climate with deliciously warm weather throughout the year. It’s thus the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

There are other reasons why it’s such a great destination for digital nomads:

  • Beachfront accommodations that offer all the essential amenities along with access to the crystal clear waters and pristine beaches of the Cancun shoreline

  • Rich in cultural history with iconic attractions such as the Mayan ruins, Coba ruins, and the ancient city of Tulum.

  • A lively nightlife with clubs, bars, and restaurants in addition to all kinds of events and festivals, including cultural and sporting events and music festivals that are held throughout the year.

Because Cancun’s local economy is largely driven by tourists, the government does its best to keep the area safe. Cancun has shown zero tolerance for crime and is known for deploying local police patrols, including its army, whenever the need arises.

Like any other part of Mexico, some neighborhoods are safer than others. The safest area is the Hotel Zone or Zona Hotelera, which refers to the seaside regions with rows of all-inclusive resorts.


Mazatlan, Mexico, is a popular destination in Sinaloa along the country’s Pacific coast. It’s got an assortment of attractions that appeal to digital nomads from across the world, making it a popular destination. Some of these include:

  • Many popular beaches, including Olas Altas, Cerritos, and El Quelite

  • A historic center where colonial architecture, including the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and the Angela Peralta Theater, can be found

  • A vibrant cultural scene with all kinds of events and festivals hosted all through the year. This includes the Mazatlan Carnival, the International Film Festival, and the Sinaloa Jazz Festival.

  • Local shrimp and general seafood, which are known as must-tries among foodies

  • Outdoor and sporty activities such as fishing, golf, and diving appeal to sports enthusiasts

  • An abundance of natural beauty with a nice selection of parks and nature reserves in the vicinity

Mazatlan has very little crime and is thus one of the safest cities in Mexico to live in. Many US travelers go so far as to say that they feel safer roaming the streets of this diverse city than those in their own hometowns. While there are tourist police who are easily visible, its safest areas are Old Town, Malecon, and the Golden Zone.

 5 Safety Tips for Staying in Mexico

Staying in Mexico can be a thrilling and enchanting experience. However, as is the case with any new destination, it’s important to be vigilant and to practice the right security measures to safeguard yourself and your belongings.

Here are some tips to make your stay in Mexico unforgettable and free of unpleasant surprises:

  • When choosing accommodations in Mexico, choose a hotel, vacation rental, or hostel that is reputable. Do your research on the locality, the security measures, and the amenities nearby before you book a place.

  • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings in Mexico, especially at night. Avoid walking alone or carrying expensive items or jewelry. Also, make sure you don’t get too inebriated when alone.

  • Avoid using unlicensed taxis or public transportation. Stick to licensed companies and ride-sharing services.

  • Keep your valuables out of sight or secure them in a safe and locked luggage when you aren’t using them to prevent theft.

  • Familiarize yourself with the local customs and laws to avoid getting in trouble with the places you are visiting due to a lack of awareness of the cultural norms. It will help you avoid legal issues or misunderstandings that could offend locals.

Final Thoughts

Mexico is a diverse nation with all kinds of cities that offer unique experiences for digital nomads. With a balance of contemporary conveniences and amenities, a rich cultural heritage, and beautiful natural landscapes, Mexico has something for everyone.

You can live and work in Mexico with ease due to its strong infrastructure that supports remote working and a digital nomadic lifestyle. Mexico is also a great destination for all kinds of watersports, outdoor activities, and cultural experiences.

Now that you know the safest cities in Mexico, you’re all set to start planning a visit to this beautiful beach paradise! Whether you’re looking to stay for a month or more, consider joining Remote Year programs for a hassle-free visit that includes scheduled itineraries to some of Mexico’s key attractions.

"Mexico City was amazing! Very friendly people and incredible food. Our City Team was the BEST. They go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and safe and taken care of. I highly, highly recommend it if you’re looking for a 1-month program!”

Samantha G, Remote Year Traveler


Which part of Mexico has the lowest crime rate? 

Crime rates can vary significantly. However, there are certain areas of Mexico that generally have lower crime rates than others, such as the state of Yucatan. Oaxaca, Mexico, is also generally considered a safe area, especially for digital nomads and travelers, making it another popular destination.

What's the roughest part of Mexico?

Certain areas of Mexico are known to be relatively more unsafe than others owing to drug-related violence and theft. This includes Guerrero, Michoacan, and Chihuahua. However, even if these areas are considered unsafe, they also have warm and welcoming communities that you may wish to visit if you’re traveling in a group.

What is the safest beach in Mexico?

Mexico is known for its beaches, but some are relatively safer than others since they’re more popular among tourists. These include the beaches in the state of Yucatan and areas such as Cancun and Playa del Carmen.

Beaches in the states of Baja California Sur (such as Cabo San Lucas) and Baja California (such as Ensenada) are also generally safe options.

What state in Mexico has the highest crime rate?

Guanajuato has the highest crime rate in Mexico, with 2,823 reported murders in 2021. If you want to visit areas around Guanajuato, it is advisable to have the right safety precautions in place. Generally, travelers and digital nomads tend to avoid the area.

Is it safe to walk around Mexico City at night?

Mexico City is generally safe to walk around at night since the city has a relatively low crime rate, is heavily populated, and is generally well-lit. However, it is advisable to avoid wearing or carrying expensive items and a lot of money. You should likewise stay away from quiet and dull areas, especially if you’re alone.
